After our awesome trip to Hawaii we only had a few days before Angela’s mom and grandma (and Thor) came for the Christmas holiday and we had another big week of busy craziness. Although we only had company for five days, we did a ton of stuff.
First, we went and picked up Angela’s certificate from her medical program. She finished at the end of November and did a really awesome job. I’m so proud of her!
After that, we waited around the rest of the day for luggage to arrive which was a huge pain in the butt. I can’t imagine that United could have provided a worse experience in terms of delivery. The guy who delivered the bag parked in the middle of the parking lot and didn’t even come over and hand it to us. I had to go into his van and pull it out. It was ridiculous.
The next day we went to the Neon Museum here in Las Vegas. In summary, the neon museum is a collection of old signage and displays from various hotels, casinos and businesses from Las Vegas and the surrounding area. This was something that Angela was really looking forward to.
Unfortunately, the museum was really disappointing. Basically it was just a bunch of junk laying around a big open area. Our tour guide reminded us of Andre from The League (which was awfully lame). He even scolded me for walking a bit away to take a picture even though he had previously said that as long as stayed in eyesight we could go wherever we wanted. I was not a fan. Here’s some pictures of the stuff at the museum, though.
The day after the museum, Angela and her peeps headed to Jubilee (at Bally’s), the last remaining true showgirl show on the Las Vegas strip. It was really awesome and way better than Angela expected. Apparently, Bally’s cocktail waitresses are not trained appropriately, though, and act like huge bitches. Angela’s mom asked for water while they were gambling and the waitress blew them off completely. Angela then just stole the water off the tray. Later on, someone came up to Angela and congratulated her on doing so because the waitress wouldn’t give her water either. Angela was less angry after she got carded while gambling.
The next day was Christmas Eve and Angela made an amazing meatless dinner, a Polish family tradition. Here’s what we had:
- Cheddar Bay Biscuits (homemade)
- Mushroom Risotto
- Garlic Shrimp
- New England Beer Battered Fried Shrimp
- Hot Crab Dip Appetizer
I ate so much food that night and it was all so delicious. We then opened presents and everyone got something they really liked. I got a train to go around our tree, which is something I’d definitely been looking for the last few years. Angela got an awesome Bears hoodie and pajama pants that she practically lives in now. Together we got some spices and some other stuff. We got Thor an awesome little ball that he couldn’t wait to tear into. Angela’s mom and grandma got their Christmas present, which was VIP tickets to Zarkana at Aria for Christmas Day. Everyone was super happy!
On Christmas, Angela made us an amazing turkey and a bunch of delicious sides. I got to eating too fast to take many pictures, but here is one of the turkey itself. It was so good!
Like I mentioned, the next day we went and saw Zarkana at Aria. We upgraded to the VIP seats so we could sit on couches instead of theater chairs and, in my opinion, it was well worth it. The story is that of a circus master and the acts that made up his abandoned circus. There was a crazy juggler, some dude who balanced a chick on his shoulders while claiming a ladder and a bunch of other crazy stuff. It was really awesome and well worth the visit. Here’s a pic from that night:
After that, we pretty much just relaxed. Angela went out gambling with her mom and grandma at The M the next day (which was really nice) and the SouthPointe (which was super trashy, apparently). All in all, it was a super awesome Christmas season and I loved every minute of it.
2 responses to “Christmas 2012”
Thanks again for an awesome Christmas holiday. Food, activities and the company was the best. I loved the trip and it was awesome spending time with the both of you. Love you both
You made my day! I was just complaining to Angela how none of my friends said anything about the post :P