I took about 6 weeks off of lifting weights in the months of July and August. I started lifting again at the beginning of September and it took a few weeks to get my body used to the stresses again. Last week, I finally felt like I used to and decided to ramp up my workouts a little bit. This past week has been a bit of a challenge, but I’m happy with the way things worked out and will be reusing this workout for at least the next 3 weeks.
There’s a few important things to note about my workout:
- It is a hybrid split-body workout – most days get their own body part
- I do intense cardio every day but Thursday
- I don’t lift weights on the weekends
- I decided on the weights I would use ahead of time so I wasn’t thinking during the workout
I felt like this week went really well. I feel stronger than I did at the beginning of the week and I feel accomplished because of what I did. I think the plan I followed could be used by pretty much anyone (with modifications to the weight based on your strength levels, obviously). Here’s what I did for cardio and on each day:
Every day except Thurdsay, I do 15 rounds of jump rope. Each round is 60 seconds of work followed by a 45 second rest period. I jump as fast as I can and try to mix it up by jumping on one foot, jogging while jumping rope, jumping in a staggered stance, etc.
Monday – Shoulders
- Barbell Overhead Press: 95×8, 115×8, 135×8, 155×8
- Barbell Upright Row: 95×8, 95×8, 95×8
- Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 20×12, 20×12, 30×8
- Barbell Front Raise: 45×12, 45×12, 65×8
- Shrug: 135×12, 135×12, 185×8
Tuesday – Legs
- Back Squat: 135×8, 185×8, 225×8, 275×8
- Front Squat: 95×8, 115×8, 135×8
- Overhead Squat: 95×8, 95×8, 95×8
- Romanian Deadlift: 145×8, 145×8, 145×8
- Good Mornings: 135×8, 135×8, 135×8
Wednesday – Chest and Back
- Barbell Bench Press: 135×8, 185×8, 205×8, 225×8
- Dumbbell Chest Flyes: 30×12, 30×12, 30×12
- Pull Up (strict form): 4 sets to failure (between 8 and 15, usually)
- Bent Over Barbell Row: 95×12, 95×12, 135×8
Thursday – Olympic-esque
- Kettlebell Swings: 53×20, 53×20, 53×20, 53×20
- Hang Clean: 135×8, 135×8, 135×8
- Hang Snatch: 95×8, 95×8, 95×8
- Deadlift: 225×8, 225×8, 225×8
- Lateral Bench Jumps: 20, 20, 20
Friday – Arms
- Dumbbell Curl: 20×12, 20×12, 30×8
- Barbell Curl: 95×8, 95×8, 95×8
- Dumbbell Lying Tricep Extension (Skull Crushers): 30×8, 30×8, 30×8
- Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks: 20×8, 20×8, 20×8